Abstract art, non-figurative art, non-objective art, and non-representational art are closely related terms. They are similar, but perhaps not of identical meaning.
- Abstractionist painting was born in Russia in the early twentieth century. Precursor of abstraction in painting was Wassily Kandinsky, however the very notion of abstraction in art, and not only in art, accompanied people since forever.
- Abstract art is the exclusion of all kinds of forms - frameworks that are supposed to define objects, perspectives and scales. Painters and other artists of this period rejected the names of the specific shapes, adopted for years. They replaced lines with the spot and vertical with level. Abstractionism was born as a result of a few already known fields of art: cubism, futurism and impressionism, the trends very similar to each other. The greatest representatives of abstraction began as the creators of those three directions.
- The first abstract painting was the work of Kandinsky "Abstract watercolor" and the most famous creator of this trend is Edvard Munch (known mainly as the author of the famous expressionist painting "The Scream"), representative of the so-called non-geometric abstraction, more precisely abstract expressionism. Non-geometric abstractionism includes also: kinetics and color planes painting. Geometric abstraction includes suprematism, De Stijl, minimal art, optical art, constructivism, neoplasticism and Bauhaus school. Those individual trends are associated with different types of nationalities and groups of painters, which were formed in various European countries. Neoplasticism was popular in Netherlands, and constructivism was popular in Russia. Because of the difficulties with reception of these works abstractionism is not the most popular art trend among the masses. Identifying the purpose and intention of the painter is very difficult because of the fact that there are no common rules and there is no typically, like for example in impressionism, capturing of everyday life. Painted apple does not in this case resembled the shape and color of the fruit, which we all know.
Kandinsky "Abstract watercolor" |
Edvard Munch "The Scream" |
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